Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Many of you know that we are very religious in our home (NOT) and therefore following the traditions of Rosh Hashanah to the letter. (SMILE) Actually the only Jewish traditions we seem to be holding on to are the one's involving the food.  Tonight's meal was requested by my ever so Jewish husband (again NOT) who thought that in keeping with tradition we also should include Challah bread and the apples and honey.  Not wanting to deprive my husband of the joys that come with marrying a jewish wife and secretly  craving them both myself off Michael went to brave a trip to Trader Joe's with Luke during the peak of shopping hour.  Anyone who has been shopping with Luke knows that this is a special task since his latest discovery is how freaked out mommy and daddy get when he just gets out of the cart and RUNS through the store full speed.  But I digress.  So tonight's dinner included the Challah (three pieces eaten by my son) and apples and honey which he sooooo enjoyed.  Though I would have preferred him to fill his tummy with oh say the carrots, broccoli, potatoes or brisket that I slaved over for hours, who could stop such glee.  Here is a video of Luke's first Rosh Hashanah eating apples and honey..or rather just HONEY.  Clearly not a child who gets a lot of sugar!!  Won't be putting this on my blog about healthy eating!  I think next year we will at least get a story to go with the food just to alleviate my Jewish guilt :)


So I know this is Los Angeles and often in Hollywood the weirdest couples wind up together but this one even shocked me.  Today as we were on our way to Target, Luke was looking out the window and said "Look Mama it's Michael Phelps holding hands with Annie" (Little Orphan Annie for any of you that don't know Luke's obsession).  Wow, what an unlikely pairing!!  I must say that I really hope this couple makes it, they seem so well suited don't you think?! Sometimes I think it would be so fun just to swim around in Luke's imagination for a bit! 


Monday, September 29, 2008


 As I begin we find our hero, Luke Brenner Strickland with his chronicles already in progress as he is currently  two years old.  If I had known when he was born how easy blogging is and how unrealistic daily journaling with a growing child was going to be  I would have begun earlier.  But, apologies aside..lets just get to it!!  I have been inspired by the blogs of other mother's lately who seem to chronicle their child's amazing accomplishments and funny conversations.  Since our days are jam packed with fun this will help both of us to record our daily adventures, a la our favorite character Curious George.
Curious George and his crazy adventures have become a staple in our home.   It began with the cartoon television show, moved to the books and lately has been the movie, all of which I must say are quite entertaining.  I believe children are born fully conscious and aware and it is our job to preserve their spirit as much as possible.  .  Our nightly conversation usually goes something like this:

 "Mom are you curious?
 "Oh yes" I respond.
" Is Daddy curious?"
"Definitely" I say
" Are YOU curious?" I ask.
"Yes, I AM!!"  He shouts.

Talk about self knowledge!!